Total Knowledge for Everyone

ʺLet us mould your children′s future and prepare them for leadership in the worldʺ

Details of Staff at Maharishi Vidya Mandir School Guwahati

At Maharishi Vidya Mandir, Guwahati teachers are well-qualified, trained, experienced and motivated teaching staff is the key to quality education. The capacity of our encouraging staff empowers each youngster to procure scholarly aptitudes and build up a systematic way to deal with critical thinking. We keep the less number of understudies in each class to guarantee singular consideration and close supervision. The connection among educators and understudies does not end with the class. Other than consistent guardians and instructors gatherings, the educators stay in contact with the guardians and make a superior comprehension among all. It gives another profundity to the instructor understudy parent relationship.

    Mr. Sanjeeb Kumar Sarma   
M.A. (Geography), B.Ed., M.Phil
Principal of MVM, Guwahati

Number of Teaching Staff

Designation Total No.
Principal 1
Librarian 1
P/T (T.G.T.) 1
P.R.T. 2
P/T (T.G.T.) 2
T.G.T. 13

List of Staff
S.No. Name Designation Qualification
1 Mr. Sanjeeb Kumar Sarma  Principal
2 Anupama Das  T.G.T. M.A., B.Ed.
3 Babita Lahon Gogoi  T.G.T. M.A., B.Ed.
4 Babita Rajak   T.G.T. M.A., B.Ed.
5 Bhim Dubey  T.G.T. M.A., B.Ed.
6 Dalimi Bordoloi   T.G.T. M.Sc., B.Ed.
7 Dharma Dutta Sarma  T.G.T. B.A., B.Ed.
8 Jhumpa Dutta   T.G.T. B.Sc., B.Ed.
9 Junumoni Hazarika  T.G.T. M.Sc., B.Ed.
10 Ramananda Haloi  T.G.T. M.Sc., B. Ed.
11 Rimjim Deka  T.G.T. M.A., B. Ed.
12 Rumi Goswami  T.G.T. M.A., B. Ed.
13 Sabita Goswami  T.G.T. B.A., B. Ed.
14 Vashyati Bhuyan  T.G.T. M.A., B.Ed. M.Phil.
15 Champak Kr.Sarma  P/T (T.G.T.) M.Sc.
16 Mayuri Neog  P/T (T.G.T.) M.A., B.Ed.
17 Pranab Rajbongshi Purabi   P/T (T.G.T.) B.Sc,
18 Bhattacharya Borah   P.R.T. B.Mus.
19 Ila Devi  P.R.T. B.F.A.
20 Raju Kr Sarma  Librarian M. Lib. Sc.

Details of salary being paid by the school to teaching staff/non teaching staff (to be updated time to time) as per CBSE norms, VIth pay commission.

Mode of payment of salary

Salary is drawn through O.B.C. by single cheque transfer for the permanent staff and individual cheque for the part time staff.